Monday, February 15, 2010

Americas Dollar Collapses, The EURO Arises

The European Union is a monetary giant, on the verge of crushing the American economy. The countries involved in the European Union will slide away from the issue with false support of the American economy, however, behind the scenes will do whatever it takes to destroy the dollar and usher in a one world currency. The world needs a one world currency to elevate the marxist socialistic countries to the top of the heap, all the while deminishing the strength and democratic values of America, which is the greatest country to have ever existed.

The democracy of America is not a perfect democracy, we have made mistakes throughout our existance, however, no where on earth have our mistakes destroyed a currency, a government, and or a people. We have existed over the past 250+ years as a super power because we have embraced democracy, freedom, and tolerance. The world is now shifting away from America's democracy, freedoms and tolerances and will use our own constitutional freedoms to place us within economic, political, and military bondage.

The fact is;

America's super power status was not due to a strong military, but due to a strong declaration of independance and constitution, which has enabled us to have men and women who volunteer to defend those documents everyday, thus we have established ourselves as the greatest military fighting force the world has ever witnessed.

Pay attention to the European Union, especially in their dealings with Greece and the other countries who are teetering on the verge of financial collapse. Please remember there is no state soverignty with any member state of the EU. You are EU or you are nothing. The 27 countries combined have created the strongest currency in the world today, the EURO, and America is on the verge of collapsing under our financial misfortunes, and the EU is behind the scenes supporting the collapse of the dollar.

Pay attention and visit our website @ where you can read all about the history of the EU and the emergence of the EURO.

Welcome to the Revelation!!
God Bless the Repenter
The Watcher!!

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