Thursday, November 19, 2009

Esther and Palin, The Jew Gentile Parallel

In a recent posting I expressed my ideology of The Root, The Branch, The Tree in regards to what I believe are unique spiritual bonds between Israel and America. In this posting I want to express the same ideology in the future of America through the past of Israel. If we look at the book of Esther within the Bible there are some very interesting parallels between her and Ms. Sarah Palin, all of which we will outline here. I urge each of you to read the story of Esther and attempt to visualize the political state of the gentiles (America) right now vs the Jews of Esthers time.

There is a movement right now within this country to destroy the documents of the founding fathers which have been the bedrock of our long rich history of blessing, which has proven to be the longest sustained free market capitalistic democracy the world has even known. The ideology of transferring wealth from America to the rest of the world is completely against what the original founders established within the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution, all of which where established under the influence of the Holy Writ (Bible).

This great gentile country is under attack by an internal enemy, one that espouses a socialistic, Marxist, Leninist agenda. We must understand America's governmental policies towards Israel have drastically changed and are very much against the sovereignty of the Jewish state, we are demanding the separation of Jerusalem, and the creation of a Palestinian state, both of which are not good for Israel or America.

In reading the book of Esther we will see the Jews where the target of an internal governmental plot to not only destroy them but to seize all of their possessions in the process. The internal plot was to transfer their wealth to other's who did not deserve it, and to do it by force and destruction. Let's Examine the scripture;

Esther 3:9

"If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who do the work, to bring it into the king's treasures."

Pay attention to this verse and these words. "If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed" and "to bring it into the king's treasures." If you remove the word king and replace it with government / president and replace decree with law you now have a statement that reads like this;

"If it pleases the government or president, let a law be written that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who do the work, to bring it into the government's treasures."

Now, I believe in Esther's time the decree was to destroy by force, death, murder slaughter etc, however, in our current culture I believe the laws written are too destroy us economically, and socially, not literally (at least not yet) by force.

Let's examine the scripture further; Esther 3:1

After these things King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him.

If you remove the word Haman and replace it with the word CZARS and also replace the word princes with CONGRESS you now have a verse that reads like this;

After these things the government / president promoted czars to sit above all of the congress and answer only to him.

Now if you read the entire book of Esther you will see that she arose on the scene before the splendor of the people due to the failure of a prior prominent female named Vishti. The interesting points to Esther's rise to power was due to her uncle Mordecai who brought her out and presented her to the people, Secondly, after Mordecai brought Esther forward there was a waiting period of 4 years for Esther to be elevated to Queen.

  1. Palin was taken out of obscurity
  2. Removed Hillary's Presidential Power
  3. Could be elected 2012 ( 4 years after coming on the scene)
  4. Brought to the people by John McCain
  5. Adamant supporter Judeo-Christian values
  6. Adamant supporter of Israel

I believe God took her out of obscurity to become the President of the most powerful country in the world, will she have an impact on HIStory. I urge each of you to read the book of Esther and discern for yourself the position Sarah Palin is in. I disagree with her decision to step down as Governor of Alaska, however, I cannot disagree with God's decision to put her on center stage, potentially promoting her to prominence. Let HIS will be done.

God Bless the repenter

The Watcher!!


Anonymous said...

May God save your soul you freak. This stuff is absolutely crazy and unrealistic even to someone like me who has never read the bible I can see your completely off base. I have attended church for years and years and I've never heard anything as crazy as the stuff your putting forth here on the blog. God is everyone and everyone is God, why try to figure out the rest.


I would attest to the fact you are absolutely being misled within the congregation you are associated with. You are not God and God is not everyone. You are a sinner and fall short of the Glory or God and only through His Grace, Mercy and His son Jesus Christ can you be forgiven. The truth is your blaspheming against the Holy Spirit at this time in your life and I believe it is completely due to being naive. I would ask you for 30 days to actually pick up a Bible and read for yourself what is written. I would start with Psalms, Proverbs and then move into the new testament. May you find what you truly desire, truth...

Jaylei said...

I wonder why Anonymous follows your blogs and then calls you a freak? Isn't that curious? I agree with you watcher, you never mentioned Obamas race so I didn't understand their idiotic comment about letting the black man ruin the country....oh.oh. did they say "run" the to the's all crazy to anonymous because anonymous is just another liberal looking for someone else to blame. And after all sign typical!! Thanks Watcher

Anonymous said...

Jaylei there are some of us who wish to remain anonymous because of our jobs, positions or organziations we belong to. The fact is unless you or I read the Bible how would we even consider believing what the watcher has to say. I also want to know what the difference is between the watcher and anonymous, do you really think this individuals name is the watcher. I ask you jaylei, do you believe the latter days are here, do you believe America is going to economically collapse, do you really believe we are headed for very difficult times, do you believe abortion is wrong and or gay marriage is wrong or do you believe you have a life to live and there is no way God could ever abandon us.



You do have a point as to me calling myself the Watcher, it does have a nice twist to it, however, I've taken the name from the Bible, written within Ezekiel 3:17 which reads:

Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for Israel. Whenever you receive a message from me, warn people immediately."

We ALL are watching events every single day and visually can see the world is turning against Israel and America, however, some of us remain anonymous about it and some of receive the message and warn the people immediately, thus we are called WATCHERS!!

The Watcher...

Jaylei said...

Ya know Anonymous, I believe that you have been the only one who names calls and puts words in the watchers mouth.

I do agree that everyone has a life to live...however I don't think it's right that the people in this world have turned what's "normal" in to being what is wrong and what is "wrong" to being what is normal. It is not normal to be have gay marriage and it is not normal to use abortion as repeat birth control but I don't bother worrying about what people do, they can practice those things whichever way they please. As you said it's their own life to live.

I do however, resent that because I DO BELIEVE gay marriage is wrong that I would be cruscified for my belief..I think abortion should be legal because there are sickos in the world that rape women and god forbid a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant she should not have to give birth to a baby who would remind her everyday of her attack, let's be honest there would always be resentment toward the child no matter who says what. So I believe in choice...but these days that's not politically correct.
I think if you want to be gay, then be gay. It's irritating that lobbyists and activists want to shove it in our faces and ask us to ACCEPT and approve of their beliefs. It goes on and on. Yes I do believe this country is in trouble, I do believe we are at risk of economically collapsing, I do not believe that you make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor. I do not believe that I have to keep paying to support people who don't work as hard as I do. I do not believe that we should continue to fund people who have been generations on welfare, I do not believe that we should congratulate celebrities who adopt foreign children and then bring them to this country to reap it's benefits when we have enough of our own that need help and I certainly don't agree that you said "accept that we voted a black man in to be president". No one ever once mentioned race, yet you like many others turn the issues to "race" when there is nothing good that can be said. Obama winning a peace prize was a joke he has done nothing to earn it, that's what I'm sick of...all the policitical correctness instead of what's right and good. This country is in trouble because our own people in government have accused and humiliated our military, they protect us everyday yet they are brought up on charges because someone said they offended someone elses beliefs or religion. Foreign country terrorists can slice the throat of our journalists during a live broadcast yet our soldiers take a photo next to a pile of dead bodies and they're court marshalled. Isnt' that in sane? I beleive we are going to be taken from the inside and you're right...the people voted in the man that's going to do it! I do not believe we should send money to other countries like "feed the children" when we have children here that are starving. I believe we have to take care of our own first which seems to be the last priority of our current government. Watcher says it how it is and it's no secret that people can't stand the truth.

Anita said...

Jaylei I agree with you this country is definately out of control and even tho I'm new to reading the Bible I believe there is trouble ahead for this country. I also believe the Bible is a breath of fresh air and tells us the truth all the time, we might not agree or understand it but the truth is inside the Bible.

Pam said...

I believe everone should be referring this blog and the website to all of their friends, this information and insight is great. I have been reading my Bible for two weeks straight now everyday for thirty minutes and I feel refreshed. Great information about Obama too.


I appreciate all the comments written on this blog. Please if you find this information interesting or soul stirring refer it to your friends and family. The more individuals we can reach with the truth about what the Bible declares the more individuals will open the Bible and read it for themselves. I DO NOT WANT MY interpretation to be your interpretation, I want my interpretation to be your inspiration to seek the truth for yourself. We are all SINNERS and we must understand GOOD WORKS and GOOD INTENTIONS will not open the gates too heaven, only a relationship with Christ will open the gates too heaven, the key is the Bible..

Jan A said...

This is beautifull and wonderful explained. You are opening up the Biblical world to me. Thank You so much for your writings.