Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What would world war three look like?

Ladies and Gentleman,

If your looking for a war in the near future you need to look no further.

This video was taken by the Christian Action Network and clearly shows what is happening in this country. In a previous posting I illustrated why I believe we are involved in world war three at this very moment. We should not be looking for a uniformed militant armed foreign governmental enemy coming upon our shores to attack us, we have in our own backyards a group of individuals who could potentially pose the greatest threat to this country and nobody (agency wise) will attempt to shut down these compounds. Why?
I believe the reason is very clear, we have turned away from God as a nation and He is turning us over to the enemy each and everyday. I know this discussion is not politically correct and it is not intended to appease anyone. We must face the truth and understand very challenging times are ahead of us as a country, both politically and economically. We must turn back towards the Bible, Let's see what Charles Anderson Dana declared;

    • I believe in Christianity; that it is the religion taught to men by God Himself in person on earth. I also believe the Bible to be Divine revelation. Christianity is not comparable with any other religion. It is the religion which came from God's own lips, and therefore the only true religion. The incarnation is a fact, and Christianity is based on revealed truth.
    • There are some books that are absolutely indispensable to the kind of education that we are contemplating, and to the profession that we are now considering; and of all these the most indispensable, the most useful, the one whose knowledge is most effective, is the Bible.

    • There is no book from which more valuable lessons can be learned. I am considering it now as a manual of utility, or professional preparation, and professional use for a journalist. There is no book whose style is more suggestive and more instructive, from which you learn more directly that sublime simplicity which never exaggerates, which recounts the greatest event with solemnity, of course, but without sentimentality or affection, none which you open with such confidence and lay down with such reverence; there is no book like the Bible.
Please understand there is a fanatical branch of Islam which is at war with America and most of the non-muslim countries. As fanatical radicals within the Islam religion can they truly be committed to America, here is what they believe.
  1. Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia .
  2. Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam.
  3. Scriptural - no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Koran)
  4. Geographically - no His allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
  5. Socially - no. His allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
  6. Politically - no. He must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and the destruction of America, the great Satan.
  7. Domestically - no. He is instructed to marry several women.
  8. Intellectually - no. He cannot accept Americas constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
  9. Philosophically - no. Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot coexist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
  10. Spiritually - no. When we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.
We must pay attention to our surroundings everyday and understand the more freedoms we loose, the more freedoms the enemy obtains. I urge each of you reading this to pick up your Bible and begin developing your relationship with Jesus Christ, only through Him is there redemption and salvation.
Welcome to the Revelation!
The Watcher


Anonymous said...

Oh I guess your going to agree with this posting as well Jaylei. How could you even think we are at war with any part of the Islam. The Islamic religion has done more for the world than your christ has done. I admit they have their fanatics but we have our mcvays as well. The watcher is nothing more than a hater. This blog has nothing but opinion and your opinion is of a whack o

Sharon said...

Very powerful video. I believe you are onto something in regards to the possibility we are in world war three. There is some really powerful information contained within your postings. Thank You

Jaylei said...

do not assume anything about me. I think you should go somewhere else if this bothers you. People can't stand the truth, your behavior is typical. I'd love to know where the watcher said he hates the black president? Homos? Or Muslims? He gives you facts, you twist and turn them...also typical when someone like you has nothing valuable to contribute. Why don't you step off and go play in a new sandbox!

jaylei said...

Quite honestly it's people like you who are ruining our world. My god how did they give rights to people with your mentality? Scary that you have any say about anything including voting for the president, primary elections and congressmen. WOW!I wouldn't let you vote which rock salt to use!

Steven C said...

You are on the mark my friend. I was sent to your website and pow I was hit square in the spirit with your revelation. The information on your website and this blog are undeniable in truth and spirit. Keep telling the Biblical truth and not the political one.


Thank you very much for the comments, please continue to share the Blog with your family and friends, even if you believe it will offend them still spread the word, the seed of God will do the rest.

Adellshoat said...

You are an idiot, we have home grown black organizations and white organizations that hate this country as well and live amongst us, should we assume world war three will be started by them as well. Your a semite Jew lover and despise Isalm and your position shows throughout this blog.


Well we can be certain your in denial of the video we provided as evidence to the fascist radical side of Islam which lives among us.

Why is it when confronted with facts we begin to name call and accuse, rather than research and verify, then accept.

The facts are clear, we are involved in World War three at this very moment and have been for about 20 years, and it is with radical islam. There is no denying the facts, radical islam is a cancer to the world and we must understand the position of this movement which is to destroy the west, and Israel, and will target any and all nations who stand in the middle.

The only protection from this radical movement in ACCEPTANCE of thier existance.

Mark said...

This video is amazing. I do not believe they are living in our backyards.