Monday, February 15, 2010

The Presidents White Horse (repost)

As we move into the future, this must be reinforced within the believer / unbeliever...

In a previous posting I talked about the possibility of living within the book of Revelation at this very moment and all events within the Bible happening along the circular continuum of time. I've been studying revelations for many years and believe we are not only living within Revelation but we are witnessing the breaking of the seals as described within chapter six.

I believe we just witnessed the breaking of the third seal, the seal of finance, economics, and lifestyle. I believe this seal was broken in 2007-2008 and we are experiencing the "birth panes" at this moment, the total collapse happening in the very near future. I believe the fourth seal of War was broken in the early 1900's which led to world war one followed by world war two, now leading us into world war three. I also believe the second seal of peace has been broken between man and we are witnessing this within the news across the world with the reports of family after family killing each other along with man killing man without consideration for life. We must look at the SEALS along a circular continuum of time, not a straight line of time. The seals when broken will overlay other seals and not be in any single order. If we look at the seals as being on a straight line continuum then we would need to see one seals revelation start and end before the next seal could be broken, however, if we understand the seals are broken on a circular continuum of time it's possible to be under the seal of war, while the seal of finance is broken etc.

There is NO DEFINITIVE starting and stopping point with the seals being broken. The seals are broken by Christ and He could have started breaking them 200 or 2000 years ago. I want to bring to your attention the fact that the first 11 chapters of Revelation are between Christ and the Church (gentiles). The chapters 12-19 are between God and the Jews, with Christ returning to battle Satan in verse 11-21 of chapter 19. The second coming of Christ is not until verse 11 of chapter 19, however, many believe Christ returns in an early chapter of Revelation which is not true. He will call His church up into the heavens to be with Him which is called the rapture, however, Christ does not physically return to battle against Satan until Chapter 19.

The fact is;

Christ is dealing with the Church (gentiles) within the first 11 chapters of Revelation and not the Jews. The seal judgments are broken by Jesus against the church and not the Hebrews. God is dealing with the (non-believing) gentiles / Jews within chapters 12-19 and not the church. The bowl judgments are poured out by God against the (non-believing) gentiles /Jews and not the church. We can then begin to understand the fact that Christ is married to the Church and God is married to the Jews and each will bring judgment unto their bride, Jesus for the Church from Revelation 1-11 and God for the Jew from Revelation 11-19 culminating in the righteous gentiles and righteous Jews being saved and Satan being bound for 1000 years as stated in revelations 20.

In reviewing Revelation I believe there will rise an anti-Christ for the gentiles (church) and an anti-Christ for the Hebrews. We must remember the word anti-Christ means "one in opposition to Christ" or "one against Christ. I believe there will be ONE anti-Christ who rises on the world scene and will be the TRUE full spirit of Satan within the form of man as the Bible declares within Revelation chapter 13 and this will be the Hebraic Anti-Christ. This individual will usher into the world Armageddon, however, there is an anti-Christ which I believe is a prelude to the last one and I believe this is the gentile (church) anti-Christ of Revelation chapter 6 which reads;

Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "Come and see" (2) And I looked, and behold, a white horse. And he who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. The history of America is not perfect, by far, yet within our faults greatness has arose and America is the greatest gentile nation to have ever existed. The greatest economy the world has ever witnessed, superpower military, powerful democracy, and a proliferator of Judeo-Christian principles throughout the world. If the Hebraic anti-Christ is going to arise on the seen as described within the scriptures the greatest gentile nation to ever exist would have to be destroyed or incapacitated because this (people) nation would not allow this evil dictator to do what he will do to the middle east and Israel. I believe America's defeat is ushered in by the anti-Christ of chapter 6, riding in on a white horse and carrying a bow. I believe this leader will arise on the seen as a person of change and peace as signified by the white horse, however, will be destructive to our country both in laws and legislation. I believe his bow is a tool of stealth and quietness, yet, destructive in battle.

The world (gentile) sits at the feet of America in military power, economic power, and democracy, yet, within the past year our foundation has been devastated by President Obama's agenda, both politically and spiritually. If we fall ALL democracies across the world fall.

Let's look at the facts about President Obama;

father was a Muslim
step-father was a Muslim
uncle was a Muslin
raised in Indonesia which is a Muslin country
came on the scene as a person of change and peace
would sit down across from our enemies
declared America is at peace with Islam
will never be at war with Islam
a proliferator of anti-christian values
did not celebrate the national day of prayer
destroying all of America's capitalistic industries
exploding the national debt
demoralizing our military troops
pro-abortion agenda
pro-homosexual agenda

I want to make it very clear; I'm not anti-Islam . I believe all free loving peoples of the world have the right to worship as they want, however, there is a fanatical side to Islam that must be watched and challenged if it rises in opposition to freedom and democracy. I believe there is a spirit of anti-Christ within Mr. Obama and he is on the verge of destroying this great country, ushering in a spiritual attack on our Judeo-Christian values and a military attack on Israel by Iran and it's coalitions.

In closing;

Barak was the name of Mohammad's white stallion, and Hussein was the name of the founder of the Shiite branch of Islam. Is Mr. Barak Hussein Obama the anti-Christ of revelations chapter 6 who rides in on a white horse speaking change and peace to the gentile nations /church, yet conquers and conquers? I think it's interesting the scripture uses the word conquer and conquer. Could this be alluding to conquering the gentile democracy and the gentile church, only time will tell.

I pray I'm wrong and Mr. Obama turns towards America and defends our Judeo-Christian heritage and democracy. I urge each of you to pray for Mr. Obama, the administration and our country as we move into 2010.

Welcome to the Revelation..
God Bless The Repenter!!
The Watcher.


Marybeth, Cleveland Ohio said...

This is so deep, yet very very interesting. I cannot deny what you say here, but, to say the Hebrews have an Anti-Christ so the Gentiles have an Anti-Christ in the last days is very deep. I have been a church member for 43 years and I've never heard a message as deep as this one, nor, several of the ones on this blog, these are deep and really brought me to my knees seeking more of Him.


The Bible is very clear: We are seek the mysteries of God, the mysteries of God are not on the surface of the scriptures but are deep within the mysteries of the scriptures which take prayer and fasting. I seek the deep mysteries of the Lord, which are available to each and everyone of us, because God is no respecter of persons. Secondly, study to show yourself approved, thus, do not just accept what I put forth here, please study, pray and fast and discern for yourself.

Please never take what a pastor or someone like me says about the Gospel as THE ULTIMATE TRUTH, take what the GOSPEL says as the ultimate truth and you must read, and study the word.

May Grace and Mercy be upon you and your studies.

Sam said...

This man is the antichrist and your not afraid to put it out there. God Bless you for the truth.
God Bless