The New World Order is moving forward at a rapid rate of speed. We are witnessing an unprecedented push for the New World Order throughout the world. The dismal presence of Mr. Obama during the recent G-20 summit has set America back decades within the worlds economic powers. The conspiracy theorists are having a field day with all the news about the New World Order agenda.
The balance of political and economic power has shifted away from America over the past decade, however, over the past two years the speed of our demise makes the stealth bomber at warp speed look like an ant attempting to catch a car doing fifty miles an hour.
I believe Mr. Obama is a usurper of the Constitution, an illegitimate President of these United States. I also believe the critics of his illegitimacy will have their day in court within the very near future and thus the progressive movement will be dealt a very serious setback. Their setback will not be immediate, however, it will begin within the election year of 2012, and in my opinion will end within the same year, November 2012 when Mr. Obama is declared illegitimate to run for re-election. The progressives/liberals will not be able to carry a successful candidate into the election cycle.
I believe the spirit of the Antichrist is moving throughout the world mobilizing men/families who are determined to move the world into a New World Order. We must understand the movement has been desirable for Satan since his fall from grace. The progressive movement within America does not need the world to fall to fullfill his desire, he needs America to fall to fulfill is goal for the New World Order. This puts the progressive movement within this country at a very trying crossroad, one of success or failure. The movement is as close as its ever been in achieving their goal of economic (America) collapse and they will not let Mr. Obama be the chock in the wheel that stops the movement dead in it's track.
We have all read the headlines this past week where George Soros has called for the departure from Obama. The other challenge Obama has is with legislators across this country who are proposing bills which will require all election candidates to provide proof of natural born citizen status prior to placement on their statewide ballots.
I believe a solid foundation has been laidout over the past two articles in regards to the timeframe of this movement, generations and generations of families have moved Satans agenda to where we are today.
History reveals this truth; Newsweek May 1987 an article read; " A truly global economy has emerged. Major countries are tied together by financial, trade, and communication connections whose magnitude was barely imagined a few decades ago. We don't fully understand all the interactions among nations, but most countries have clearly lost some control of their own affairs."
The Economist Journal 1988 front cover depicted a Phoenix rising out from the ashes of burning world currencies, around it's neck was a gold coin on a chain, imprinted with the words, "TEN PHOENIX". The coin was imprinted with the date 2018. The picture is entitled "Get Ready For A World Currency" The article within the journal ends with this statement, "Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes."
1979 Dr. Franz Pick, A renowned world currency authority was quoted as stating; "The most serious problem we face today is the debasement of our currecny by the government. The government will continue to debase the dlooar until it will be forced to create a new hard currency. When that day comes, it will take at least $100 to buy a new dollar. A currency reform is nothing but a fancy name for state bankruptcy. The currency reform completes the expropriation of all kinds of savings. It will wipe out all pubic and private bonds, most pensions, all annuities, and all endowments."
Willard Cantelon, author of The Day The Dollar Dies wrote; "The world system will be praised and promoted by brilliant men. With elegance and apparent logic they will persuade men that this is the path to peace and security. The world leader will rise to power with flattery and gain complete control of the military and monetary powers of all nations."
The Bible is clear; A New World Order will emerge within the end of days, and the spirit of the Antichrist has been moving towards it for centuries. He sits at the same crossroads America sits at and his spirit is moving through the progressives within America and through families of the world to establish the New World Order.
In the middle of this battle sits the AMERICANS, the holders of the key to liberty and freedom. We are the greatest gentile nation to have ever existed, built solely on Judeo-Christian principles. We decreed the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the God of this Nation, yet, over the past several generations we have moved away from Him, we have stopped worshiping Him, repenting and praying.
In moving away from Him, the spirit of the Antichrist has become emboldened and moved into this country with stealth and deception. It is time to identify the leader of the Conspiracy and kick him out of this country, through repentance, praying and fasting this can be done, it first takes humbleness.
The battle lines have been drawn and I believe Americans have 18-24 months to decide what turn we are going to take, we can stand at the crossroad, turn right towards righteousness or left towards demise. The choice is ours, and time is not on our side, the progressives are angry, and Satans spirit is feeding on that anger.
Welcome to the Revelation!!
The Watcher.
OMG!!!!!! What else is there to say.
This is stupid!! Satan are you saying progressives are satanists?
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