Saturday, April 25, 2009

Amero vs Euro

There is circumstantial evidence that the federal government will increase military involvement into Mexico over the next several months. The evidence is within the Souverigntyand Prosperity agreement documentation, outlining the creation of a unified military and police force between Canada, America, and Mexico. This agreement also eludes to the creation of a monetary system between all three countries as well, basically eliminating the dollar bill and all current denominations from our reserve. The amazing fact is all of these unifications are too begin in 2010, were agreed upon back as early as 2003-2005, it's even speculated to go back as far as when NAFTA originated.

Does it not raise suspiscion that;

1. We (government) decide to take on the Mexican drug cartels now, merging (Mexican, American) forces on the Arizona borders.

2. News Flashes beginning to appear in regards to NEW JOINT BORDER PASSES.

3. Canada has no second amendment, thus we (America) would have more restrictions placed on our 2nd Amendment rights in merging these three countries. There are government (OUR AGENCIES) agencies blaming AMERICA for all illegal weapons (assault weapons) the drug cartels are using, calling for more restrictions on american gun oweners and businesses.

4. President Obama has temporarily allowed for the emergance of military forces between mexico and America due to these drug cartels.

5. Homeland Security Czar Napalotano comments on the need to increase Canadian American border patrol, due to Canada's inability to proctect it. The administration calls it a "gaff" but it's not a gaff, it's an agenda, a means to an end. We want to merge forces with Canada and the verbiage has begun.

I'm not a conspiracy theorists, however, the trends we are witnessing due give off some suspicions towards a TRILATERAL merging of all three countries based upon the Souverignty and Prosperity agreement. The AMERO or North American Union could be coming to a border near you..

The Watcher!!

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