Ladies and Gentleman,
I'm going out on a limb here, and several readers will believe I'm nuts and loosing my mind, yet I must put this thought out there.
Is the Mexico driven swine flu a deliberate act?
Yes, in my opinion.
Over 7 months ago I put forth a few videos about the Amero vs Euro. In these videos I talk about the NEW amero currency coming to an america near us. These videos were based on a one and half year study, the study ending in publishing the videos on youtube, which you can view here.
My study led me to federal documents outlining the framework of merging the three countries, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. A few days ago I added a blog here outlining the videos in an effort to bring forth dialogue about the subject matter. I believe a dialogue is needed on this subject because attention to this issue is needed and should be a top priority to all citizens of this great country.
Today, we are watching in anticipation and anxiety as to how we will be affected by the Mexico driven swine flu epidemic, an epidemic I believe was intentionally released to force Mexico into an economic collapse. The economy of Mexico is deminishing daily, a threat of total anarchy looms over the government each passing moment. The tourism revenue is spiraling out of control with cruise lines pulling out of their ports, cuba restricting all travel too and from the country, a tariff tax base faulting daily due to decreased imports and exports too and from America. All these issues and several others are structural fractures to the economy which will collapse under this pressure, collapsing to the point where recovery is irreversable.
There have been comments by the current Obama administration claiming Mexico's economy might be too damaged to sustain an affective government and prosperity for their citizens. Are these comments eluding to the fall of Mexico and rise of the Amero, a new currency and economy merger of all three countries as I outlined in the videos. The timeframe for the implementation of the Amero is slated for 2010 according to the governments own documentation, is this the beginning to the end of America as we know it.
The government (our) as of today has left the Mexico American border open, why?.
I believe it's a deliberate move to bolden the drug cartels, forcing the citizens to rely on the wealth of the cartels to survive. When the cartels control the country without restrictions we will be forced to enter the (militarily) country and take control of the government and push back the cartels, this potentially leading to a civil war within Mexico. All designed to merge Mexico and America together ushering in the NEW AMERO and Prosperity agreement.
The borders should be immediately closed for two reasons, isolate the swine flu and decrease the flow of illegal drugs into this country. Why would the government not demand the closing of the borders?
One of the next moves by the government will be entering Canada, either, socially, politically or economically. The next chess move will be the collapse of Canada, lets see what the next 18 months has in store for us. God Bless!!
Please next your going to claim there going to be building containment camps for anyone who is against Obama. This is unreal, why do you Christians want to make everything about someone who claimed to die for us 2000 years ago.
You are on the money and your website along with your youtube videos are very to the point and non aggressive. I will tell all my friends about your site and this blog
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