Ladies and Gentleman,
We are on the verge of another civil war, this time it's going to be within the political arena. There are several states on the verge of politically seperating themselves from the Federal government.
Oregon senators say gun vote protects state rights
States' Gun Rights: The Next Constitutional Battlefield
Bids to Push States’ Rights Falter in Face of Stimulus
Our property rights, once again, are at stake
RNC boss: Democrats want to take away gun rights
The above are headlines over the past several hours, as we can see the state vs federal battle is appearing on the horizon. The challenge between the states and federal government have entered into the framework of our society over the past 10-12 years, witnessed during our elections with the media seperating the BLUE states from the RED states. We have seen the seperation agenda enter into the federal government with increased expansion of the governments reach, forcing states to protect all types of individual rights, such as the right to bear arms.
This seperation of politics is not un the best interes of our country, especially in these hard economic times, with each state creating protection laws against federal intrusion the fabric of our society is on the brink of tearing itself apart. The federal government will only tolerate these state laws of protection for so long, eventually there will be public anarchy within the states which will move from state economic and political protections to federal military action, thus devastating the constitution and forcing states into self preservation.
There is a WAR coming, it's not a war of force (yet) and might, but of deminishing states rights and protections. This war will expand to the level of the government using military force against it's citizens, starting with non-aggressive tactics against protestors up through detainment and isolation for political anarchists. The fact is anyone who speaks out against federal intrusion will be subject to classification as an anarchist, which will begin to tear apart families, friends and neighbors. Be prepared, the frontlines are closer than you might think.
The game of politics in this global market is more important (To Obama) than America's Constitution and Declaration Of Independence, which will put Americans who stand up for those values and rights at odds with the governments agenda. Their agenda is to take away our states rights and individual freedoms.
The government will force the laws of the international community upon us, removing our rights to the first and second amendments, deminishing our authority of "a government for the people, by the people" to an authority of "absolute power corrupts" which is progessive totalitareanism under dictatorships throughout the world.
God Help Us!!!
The Watcher
Typical Right wing rhetoric!! You fanatics are really amazing, you have no facts to back up your positions, just rhetoric.
Rhetoric, amazing how someone can call your views rhetoric when all over the internet there is talk of states file petitions and legislation against the federal government. Mr. Watcher you keep doing what your doing, there are those of us who see and understand with our own eyes what is going on, your just puttin our thoughts to paper.
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