President Obama and his current left wing liberals of the administration are going to bring to the citizens of this great country the largest tax increase the citizens have ever witnessed. The code name is "wealth redistribution" and it will be the wealth of the middle class they redistribute. We must take the number one fact into consideration when we sit back and look into the future of this wealth re-distribution poncey scheme and that is President Obama is the most liberal candidate to be nominated and elected to the Presidency of this great country.
The tax hike is going to begin with Obamas' "new deal" which is being pushed forth as a make-work jobs program in which his administration will be hiring upwards of 2.5 million Americans according to his own estimates. The presidents own staff claims these new programs will cost an additional 700 billion dollars. We must understand that all government estimates are low balled by at least 50% so let's just remove another 25% for arguments sakes and only add 350 billion to the governments estimate which puts the cost of this "new deal" at approx. 1 trillion dollars, all paid for by the tax payer with increased taxes.
Secondly, the President during his campaign promised to give "tax cuts" to people who pay no taxes, how do we cover that expense which conservative estimates put at 200 billion dollars a year.
The third challenge we face is the change coming to the peripheral aspects of our country as well, which include the Presidents agenda to;
- Take over control of the federal court system by appointing thousands of federal judges to the bench, which will have drastic detrimental affects on our constitutional rights and privileges.
- Add liberal judges to the supreme court, which could be upwards of 2 or 3 over the course of his two term presidency.
- Change America's support of Israel, which we believe is predicted in Ezekiel 38-39
- Gun Control which is evident by comments made by Eric Holder the new AG.
- Conflicting family values with massive changes to the already existent pro-abortion laws, changing protection rights of medical professionals who do not believe in abortion
- Legalizing "illegal" immigration with sweeping Amnesty legislation, thus automatically legalizing millions and millions of illegals who will be enthroned to the democratic party for years to come, automatically placing Obama on the throne for another term.
Folks, we have a vast historical reference data base within the world today in the form of YouTube, Google, etc etc. We can witness through these mediums of communication the verbal attacks the liberal democrats put forth against George Bush and his administration when they put in place massive tax cuts which all expire in the year 2010. Thus, these tax cuts expiring will allow Obama (He will not reinstate the cuts) to do nothing, automatically raising your taxes simultaneously with his own "wealth re-distribution" tax plan.
Will, he blame the Bush adminstration for the tax increases, I bet, yes!!
Lastly, there is talk around the world amongst the wealthiest elite to downgrade America's AAA credit rating, which, will undoubtedly double our interest rate on past and future loans. We now have a debt ratio that far exceeds our ability to pay within this generation.
God help our next generation!!!
The Watcher..
I agree, as a small business owner the tax increases are going to wipe out my business. The increase in payroll taxes alone are a burden, I cannot imagine what will happen in 2010 when ALL the tax decreases automatically increase. The american people better wake up and see what is on the horizon, an automatic tax hike, without lifting a finger there will be increases from 1000.00-3500.00 per family and that is on the low side of publicized estimates. People need to wake up and realize what this adminstration is all about. Thank God for your blog and website which I believe to be upfront and full of information.
Where do you retards come up with stuff. I also think your website is far reaching and dramatic. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, yet you stretch the truth to cover Irael. The jews stole the land by paying off the UN. I believe all the money Hitler stlole from the jews was cover for them buying Israel from the UN. The poor palestinians are the rightful owners...Give it back
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