Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Will History Repeat Itself, Again!!!

Soloman claimed;
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Soloman is basically claiming "History repeats itself"!!!

With this in mind can we capture a picture of what the future holds by looking at the pictures of the past. Let's investigate a picture from 1 kings chapter 16 to 1 kings chapter 21. I will be comparing the past to the future between Ahab and Jezebel vs Bill and Hillary. Let's see how the pictures match up.

Ahab and Jezebel lived in an Ivory Tower
Bill and Hillary lived in the White House

Jezebel was strong willed and stirred Ahab
Hillary was strong willed and pushed Bill for nationalized health care

An innocent man was killed during Ahab and Jezebel's reign
An innocent man was killed during Bill and Hillary's reign

Sin was found in the house of Ahab and Jezebel
Sin was found in the house of Bill and Hillary

The righteous were blamed by Jezebel
The right wing was blamed by Hillary

A land deal scandal broke during Ahab and Jezebel's reign
A land deal scandal broke during Bill and Hillary's reign

Now please understand this is not a BIBLICAL PROPHECY, however, it is a Biblical circular event, which basically stated is History repeating itself. We have all heard the same repeat comparisons between Lincoln and Kennedy. A few examples are;

Kennedy was killed in a ford lincoln
Lincoln was killed in the ford theatre

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse, his killer hid in a theatre
Lincoln was shot in a theatre, his killer hid in a warehouse

Kennedy's killers name was Lee Harvey Oswald ( 15 letters)
Lincoln's killers name was John Wilkes Booth (15 letters)

We can go on and on but hopefully you see the point. The picture I'm preparing before you is found in Judges chapter 4 to Judges chapter 5. The picture of the past is painted with two main characters, they are Deborah and Barak. A war breaks out and Israel is pulled into conflict and Deborah and Barak set out to kill Sisera, the right hand of Jabin the king of Canaan who is a thorn in Israel's side.

We do not have a complete picture of future events, however we do have an Iranian President, Almadinajad, who is the right hand man to the countries top Cleric. President Almadinajad is a thorn in Israel's side, also part of this futuristic picture is Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.

I would ask each of you to read the "picture of the past" in Judges 4 into Judges 5 and then look at the present into the future and prepare your paint to begin your masterpiece. In Judges the characters of the picture are praised and glorified for thier victories over the enemy. A victory over Iran would solidify praise and glorification for Pres. Obama and Secretary of State Clinton. I would sumise that the picture of the past covers two chapters within the scripture, thus alluding to two terms for Barak and Hillary.

Please understand I do not have a crystal ball nor do I pretend to be a Biblical Scholar, however, I see parallels that NEED TO BE LOOKED AT CAREFULLY to see what the future holds for us.
The Bible is full of masterpieces, readings inspired by God, for His edification and glorification. You can glorify and edify God by reading His word, the Bible.

God Bless America!!!
The Watcher


Janet said...

This is amazing, how the Bible can come to Life with just a little studying. I have never heard a preacher discuss this type of information. I believe you are prophet and sent to open our eyes. Thank You!!

Joe said...

Your insight here should be on every media outlet in this country, you have really broken down the fact that history does repeat itself. I do believe there will be the critics who think your nuts, but were all nutty in our own way and that does not make us wrong. Very powerful and insightful.

Mrs. Swater said...

Please, President Obama is awesome, it's all you conservatives who have the problems with the president. The country is so much better today than it was yesterday, you find the name Barak in your man made Bible and you come up with some crazy rational to blame the president for a war.