Charles Anderson Dana (1819-1897) was the editor-in-chief of the New York Sun, one of the largest newspapers in the country, considered by many the most brilliant journalist in the country at the time.
We look at the news today through the secular media and we see anything but positive influential information. We witness lies stretched into truth, we witness negative unpopular news as frontpage heroics portraying the sinful nature of man as the inspiring triumphant overcoming accomplishment of man, we see abortionists treated as victims, homosexuality treated as a bad gene, and adultury portrayed as the norm. The scripture declares;
- How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. (Proverbs 16: 16)
There is NO WISDOM and or UNDERSTANDING within the secular media today, you cannot find either in any newspaper or on any news channel. We as believers must discern the truth in these last days so we are not caught off guard. We must guard the truth and bear true witness to everyone. We must also accept the reality that we all fall short of the Glory of God and all are sinners and need repentance, however, knowing the truth will set us free.
Let's see what Charles Anderson Dana delcared;
- I believe in Christianity; that it is the religion taught to men by God Himself in person on earth. I also believe the Bible to be Divine revelation. Christianity is not comparable with any other religion. It is the religion which came from God's own lips, and therfore the only true religion. The incarnation is a fact, and Christianity is based on revealed truth.
- There are some books that are absolutely indispensable to the kind of education that we are contemplating, and to the profession that we are now considering; and of all these the most indispendsable, the most useful, the one whose knowledge is most effective, is the Bible.
- There is no book from which more valuable lessons can be learned. I am considering it now as a manual of utility, or professional preparation, and professional use for a journalist. There is no book whose style is more suggestive and more instructive, from which you learn more directly that sublime simplicity which never exaggerates, which recounts the greatest event with solemnity, of course, but without sentimentality or affection, none which you open with such confidence and lay down with such reverence; there is no book like the Bible.
I urge each and everyone of you reading this to begin a journey through the scripture, to deprive yourself of the daily newspaper, to walk away from sin each and everyday, cherish the articulate truth within the word of God. The Bible is the light in a dark world..
It's time FOR ALL to pick it up!
God Bless the repenter
The Watcher!!
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