Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Defiance or Repentance

We must quickly come to the understanding that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. There must be a call for personal repentance, moving us away from defiance. As a nation and as individuals we have succumb to "TOLERANCES OF HELL", we have become tolerant of all religions, beliefs, and ideologies. The fact is tolerance is of the devil and will only lead all to hell.

I do not pretend through repentance you are perfect and deserving of God's Grace and Mercy, both of which we are not worthy of, however, through Christ's death, burial and ressurection the price has been paid in full, the debt is rescinded. As individuals we must understand God loves us, and wants us to have a repentive mind. Let's look at 2 Peter 8-9;

  • But, beloved, do not forget this one thing , that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

We can read in the above scripture: God is longsuffering and wants no one to perish, AND, wants all to come to repentance. Beloved, God does not declare each of us to come to perfection, but only to repentance. Beloved, God does not want to destroy you for you sins, He has allowed for your redemption through the death, burial and ressurection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • Homosexuality = Sinner
  • Lust= Sinner
  • Adultury= Sinner
  • Gossip= Sinner
  • Pride= Sinner
  • Lieing= Sinner
  • Fornication= Sinner
  • Masturbation= Sinner
  • Pornagraphy= Sinner

I cannot list all the sins here, the Blog would need to be 5' long, the fact is WE ALL are sinners and must repent. Please, Jesus loves you beloved, and has paid for your sins in full, allow him to come into your life and enjoy the peace and mercy of a loving caring God. You can be in defiance and continue to deny the reality of your sins, or you can come to truth and repent of your sins and be filled with the Holy Spirit, a renewed person.

Let's see what Benjamin Franklin Butler (1795-1858) U.S Attorney General (1833-1838)

  • He is truly happy, whatever may be his temporal condition, who can call God his Father in the full assurance of faith and hope. And amid all his trials, conflicts, and doubts, the feeblist Christian is still comparatively happy; because cheered by hope...that the hour is coming when he shall be delivered from " this body of sin and death" and in the vision of the Redeemer...approximate to the ...felicity of angels. Not only does the Bible inculcate, with sanctions of the highest import, a system of the purest morality, but in the person and character of our Blessed Savior it exhibits a tangible illustration of that system. In Him we have set before us-what, till the publication of the Gospel, the world had never seen- a model of feeling and action, adapted to all times, places, and circumstances; and combining so much of wisdom, benevolence, and holiness, that none can fathom its sublimity; and yet, presented in a form so simple, that even a child may be made to understand and taught to love it.

The founders and greatest statesman where not perfect men, however, they were perfected in the fear of the Lord. The forefather's feared the Lord, they BELIEVED the fact that "sin" leads to death and in understanding that they established the greatest gentile nation in the world, past or present.

The "today's" man does not fear the Lord thus does not understand the need for repentance, we are sinners, each and everyone of us and we must fear the Lord, holding ourselves to a repentive heart (mind). As the forefather's were not pefect, neither are we today, yet, they repented, and we defy. Death comes to us both, the repenter and the defier. Please visit our organizational website

God Bless the Repenter

The Wathcer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, you are on the mark, the truth is in this blog. I believe as Americans we have defied the law of repentance. Thank you, Carl