We (non-believers / believers) have grown accustom to sin in such a way the WORD does not exist in this world anymore. The thought of committing a sin 100 years ago brought many to absolute sickness and disgrace, today the thought of not committing a sin brings many to sickness and sadly disgrace. How is it today the WORD sin does not exist, oh, I know the three letters which make up the word exist, I can put them in print form right here S I N and spell out the word sin, yes, I surely can but the meaning of the word has no power, no confliction, no disgrace, it's become an empty word. I will even make the claim the three letter spelling has taken on the form of four or five letter spellings, and is now easily acceptable, watch;
S I N Replaced with
GOSSIP Informed
LUST Invigorated
LIEING Protecting
The truly sad part of the above is I'm talking about the Church today, I'm not talking about the world, but of the wordly church, the church has become a filthy wretched sin infested place to hang out. I'm talking about the CHURCH, not individual ministries.
Luke 21:8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.
There are fantastic ministries operating in the complete fulness of the Holy Scripture, however, the Church as a body is about 70% corrupt. We can attempt to deny this sad fact, however, news reports support the facts, homosexuality, adultury, corruption, abortion, pornography etc and this is just the leadership. I recently heard a message by Pastor John MaCarther from Grace to You ministries, a powerful Holy Scripture filled ministry, describing the R rated church operating in todays world. I was literally blown away by the facts he laid out. I would urge all of you non-believers / believers to seek out his ministry
Here is a recent teaching I found online to support my blog today;
Practical and Theological Reasons to Masturbate
by Pastor Mark Driscoll, Seattle WA.
Scripture does not forbid masturbation outright because there are some occasions in which it may be done in an acceptable and sinless way. To help you think through these possibilities I will share with you some questions that I have personally received in my pastoral counseling and the answers I have given. Some of the questions may seem too frank for many readers, but I am honored that the people in our church feel free to bring any personal question to their pastors because we would not want them to go anywhere else for answers.
Question: Sometimes when I go out of town on business, my wife slips nude photos of herself into my briefcase so that while I’m on the road I can call her to have phone sex while looking at her photos as we mutually masturbate. This really helps reduce my temptations on the road and is the best thing we can think of doing when we cannot be together. Is this okay? Or, could we privately iChat online and see one another and mutually masturbate that way when we are separated?
Answer: Nude images of your wife are redeemed images and providing she is agreeable to this arrangement I would encourage you to thank God for the freedom your wife enjoys with you. Practically, I would urge you to not allow any other people to see your wife to ensure a protection of her. Also, since you are considering using technology you need to be wise so that you do not end up as an oddity on the worldwide web. Since the purpose of sexual activity is oneness, your option is both creative and permissible because you are being as intimate as you can be when distance separates you.
Scripture does not forbid masturbation outright because there are some occasions in which it may be done in an acceptable and sinless way. To help you think through these possibilities I will share with you some questions that I have personally received in my pastoral counseling and the answers I have given. Some of the questions may seem too frank for many readers, but I am honored that the people in our church feel free to bring any personal question to their pastors because we would not want them to go anywhere else for answers.
Question: Sometimes when I go out of town on business, my wife slips nude photos of herself into my briefcase so that while I’m on the road I can call her to have phone sex while looking at her photos as we mutually masturbate. This really helps reduce my temptations on the road and is the best thing we can think of doing when we cannot be together. Is this okay? Or, could we privately iChat online and see one another and mutually masturbate that way when we are separated?
Answer: Nude images of your wife are redeemed images and providing she is agreeable to this arrangement I would encourage you to thank God for the freedom your wife enjoys with you. Practically, I would urge you to not allow any other people to see your wife to ensure a protection of her. Also, since you are considering using technology you need to be wise so that you do not end up as an oddity on the worldwide web. Since the purpose of sexual activity is oneness, your option is both creative and permissible because you are being as intimate as you can be when distance separates you.
My answer would have just been: Colossians 3:5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
It is UPON each of us to test the teaching we are under, if it does not conform to the word of God leave immediately or your going to be upon a burning trip straight to hell. We all fall short of the Glory of God, we are ALL SINNERS!!
Do you really truly believe with all the disgraceful heinous acts of sin going on in the Church (as a body) today the rapture is a guarantee. Wouldn't that just be ARROGANT, to think you can sin as the worlds sins and escape the judegment of GOD!!!
God Bless the Repenter
The Watcher!!!
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