Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tribulation vs Great Tribulation

There is a time frame within scripture called the tribulation period along with a time frame called the Great tribulation and we must understand the difference between the two. The tribulation period of time within the scripture is a time of trouble which is a prelude to the Great tribulation time of trouble. There are those who believe the body of Christ is rapture out prior to the tribulation period, however, the scripture is clear in outlying two time periods of tribulation, one which is judgement upon the earth for ALL believers/non believers, then comes the one which is a judgement for ALL non believers. I have discussed this in an earlier posting, please review at:

Belief or Faith, What do you have?

The Great tribulation which is too come after the tribulation period is clearly the WRATH of God outlined within the scripture. The tribulation period is a judgement by Jesus upon the earth, focused on saving His chosen, the Church. The Great tribulation period is a judgement by God upon the earth, focused on saving His chosen, the Israelites.

In discerning the difference between the two time periods alot of ministries focus on the tribulation as a point of rapture for the church, however, the scripture clearly differentiates between the two. The 144,ooo Jews who are sealed in Chapter 7 are not sealed prior to the tribulation period as some ministries claim, the sealing of them is done after the tribulation and before the Great Tribulation nor does this chapter claim the rapture has already taken place as some ministries teach. The verse that must be clearly understood within this chapter is verses 13 and 14 which reads as follow;

13 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?" 14 And I said to him, "Sir, you know." So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

If we look at verse 13 a ANSWER is made to John (author) "Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from.? This is not a past tense or present tense grammatical question, it is a FUTURE TENSE answer to a question which is answered by the same elder who asked it. If you look at verse 14 John replies "Sir, you know" (John asked the question, Sir, you know) and the elder said (answered): These are the ones who COME OUT of the great tribulation etc.

See chapter 7 is John discerning the two periods of time, the tribulation vs the great tribulation. The elder is assured of John's discernment because he uses the words COME OUT which is a future tense statement, he did not say; ones who CAME OUT because up to this point in time they had not come out, the chapter is a discernment by John of what is to come.

This chapter clearly differentiates between the tribulation period and the Great tribulation period of time, as I have previously stated in an earlier posting my opinion is the church (body) will go through the tribulation period and be rapture out just prior to the Great tribulation which I believe transitions within a twinkling of an eye. We will transition from the tribulation period of time into the great tribulation period of time with the sound of a trumpet (flash) as declared in chapter 11 vs 15.

Please repent, fast and pray, for tribulation will come upon us all. I believe the future is full of death, destruction, and pain, as not seen before, and ALL will partake in this destructive time period.

God Bless the repenter!!!
The Watcher

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