In the previous posting I talk about the circular time continuum vs the straight time continuum and understanding revelations. I wish to explore all three in this post and hopefully plant some seeds within your spirit inspiring you to open the book and explore it's treasure. The word revelation in the Greek is apokalypsis and according to Strong's concordance means; an uncovering or unveiling. I would ask this question; doesn't something need to be there before you can unveil it?
I have been deeply rooted in revelations for about one year and I'm personally convinced the unveiling of the book of revelations has been happening since AD 70, the year Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. I know the writing of John through all historical accounts began around AD 94-95 but believe revelations began in 70 AD based on the following scriptures;
Revelation 1;9 which reads;
I, John, both your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom, and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island of Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
In examining the words companion in tribulation and expounding on them through the use of the Strong's Concordance you will find these words (sygkoinÅnos thilipsis) to mean participant with others in oppression, distress and affliction.
We can see by these words John was a participant in the tribulation, a time of great distress, oppression and affliction which I believe has been continuing for almost 1900+ years. I also believe John was not only writing these words for the churches of Asia minor but as a continuum of time over the past 1900+ yrs. Time is on a circular continuum, we can clearly see that the 7 churches of Asia minor do not exist in the world today as they did then, but, the fact is great distress, oppression and afflictions continue today, and the same conditions of the 7 churches within Asia minor exist in the churches of the world today.
- Message to Ephesus was; Left your first love
- Message to Smyrna was; Spiritually growing
- Message to Pergamos was; False teachings
- Message to Thyatria was; Sexually immoral
- Message to Sardis was; Spiritually dead
- Message to Philadelphia was; Spiritually strong
- Message to Laodicia was; Being Lukewarm
I would claim there are churches not only in America but throughout the world still struggling with what the churches of Asia Minor struggled with, contending that on the circular continuum of time history UNVEILS itself to us daily, thus the book of revelations has been unveiled to us for the past 1900+ years, unveiling the (tribulation / rapture) revelation of Jesus Christ throughout all the generations.
Let's also examine another truth and that is; WHAT IS THE CHURCH?
The church is the believer in Christ, us, each and everyone who believes Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. It would then be easy to declare that the distress, oppression and afflictions experienced during John's writing and within the 7 churches of Asia minor, can easily be found in the ones who believe in Christ. There are believers who are;
- Leaving their first love
- Spiritually growing
- False Teachers
- Sexually Immoral
- Spiritually dead
- Spiritually strong
- Lukewarm
I will take this subject a little deeper, look at the (7) seals within chapter 6 and 8
- antichrist rises
- No Peace on earth
- Economic crisis
- Battles, death begin
- Slain martyrs
- Great Earthquake
- Silence
We must look at what makes these seals different because if we look throughout world history we can historically and Biblically prove the following;
- There have been many antichrist
- There has been periods of time without peace
- There have been economic collapses over the centuries
- There have been battles and death
- There have been martyrs for Christ
- There have been earthquakes
- There has been silence (WAIT)
I cannot historically or Biblically find where there was silence in the heavens for about 30 minutes. WHY is this important, it's important because the seventh trumpet is being blown after this 30 minute period which is the call for the RAPTURE as written in Chapter 11, which I have discussed in a previous (Belief of Faith part one / part two) posting.
Please, pay attention to this part, the seventh seal is a TIME OF SILENCE but THE SEVENTH TRUMPET is a time of loud voices, something is occurring during this 30 minutes, what is it? The 6 trumpets are being blown. I pray you are absorbing this, during the silence and just prior to the loud voices we move through 6 trumpet sounds which cover;
- 1/3 of earths vegetation destroyed
- 1/3 of sea turns to blood
- 1/3 of rivers become contaminated
- 1/3 of light is lost
- plague of terrible locusts
- 1/3 of mankind is destroyed
***I'm not claiming all the above destruction occurs within 30 minutes, but, within 30 minutes all the trumpets are blown*****
It appears the 6 trumpets are blown within this half hour period just as a 21 gun salute is set off during a military funeral, one trumpet blown right after each other setting off death and destruction throughout the world.
I believe this is because the UNVEILING OF REVELATIONS IS COMPLETED. The entire revelation of Jesus Christ has been revealed and the RAPTURE of the CHURCH occurs. Throughout history we cannot argue about (1-6) the above occurring, each one has occurred throughout the past 1900+ years, yet, the SEALS (1-6) above are different, they ARE OPENED BY CHRIST HIMSELF. During the past 1900+ years the book of revelations has been unveiled by His angel not by Christ Himself. Look at Revelations Chapter 1 vs 1;
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His Servants-things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John.
Look, God gave the REVELATION OF CHRIST to Christ who gave it to His angel to show His servant John. What was the revelation God gave to Christ? His second coming, the end of the revelation of Christ. The end of oppression, distress, and affliction throughout the world for the Church. Jesus Christ is married to the church which is raptured out just prior to God's wrath upon the unbelievers, the persecutors of Israel.
In closing I believe the ideology of revelations starting and ending within a limited time frame has led to a wrong mainstream theology about Christ, the tribulation, the Great tribulation, His return and the rapture. We have been living in revelations for 1900+ years. Welcome to the REVELATION!!
The Watcher!!
Awesome stuff, what church do you pastor?
The Watcher is not a pastor, nor an evangelist, nor a prophet. I'm simply an individual who has been seeking an answer. The question is:
I have read the Bible for years, and began using the world to discern the Bible and found that what the Bible claimed, the world verified. The world verified it through many facets, militarily, economically and politically. The world is in the process of validating the Bibles claim of a one world government, a one world currency, a revised Roman Empire through the EU etc. etc.
I found the truth was only in the Bible and not in the world, the world is full of lies, corruption and deceit, yet ALL OF THE LIES, CORRUPTION AND DECEIT still fulfill what the Bible declares will happen, man cannot outrun the Bible and that is simply divine.
Thank you for visiting the blog and I hope you find your Bible study awesome as well, because it's the Bible that's awesome, not the Watcher..
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