Friday, December 4, 2009

Time To Migrate Away From

The season of Godlessness!!

The definition of the word migrate is as follows: Go from one region to another with the change in the seasons.

The SEASON has changed and we need to understand migration will be the only way to survive the season we have entered over the past twelve months. If you pay attention to the migration of birds you will notice they migrate as the temperatures change from cold-hot, typically winter-summer, however, they are in the preparation stages during the spring and fall. There is a preparation prior to the migration, their ultimate instinct is to be settled once the temperatures support the winter or summer months.

We are now in the preparation phase, unfortunately there are individuals who do not believe it or accept it, and to this they will be left unprepared and caught in the tumultuous events that are shortly to be upon us. As a society we have lost our way and have left God, and we must begin a return back to our Judeo-Christian roots. We have focused on the materialism of our lives for the past 40-50 years, trend setting our lives around "keeping up with the jones" and have left our first true love, God.

Let's examine the scripture:

Matthew 22:36-38

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind," This is the first and greatest commandment."

This is a very powerful scripture in the fact that Jesus uses the word AND. The word AND is used to encompasses ALL aspects of the text being discussed. Jesus could have used the word OR and the verse would have read like this:

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart or with all your soul or with all your mind,"

If the word OR was used you could pick and choose how to love the Lord and only be judged on how you loved Him, however, because Jesus used the word AND you will judged on how you loved God in His entirety. We must understand God's entirety is within HOW we love Him, we can love Him emotionally, spiritually or mindfully understanding each is separate, yet all are God. He demands we love Him ALL the time in ALL three areas, not in whatever area fits the season you are in. We are to Love Him in ALL three areas and with ALL three parts.

We have lost site of this (myself included) and have put materialistic items before Him, such as agendas, political correctness, work, school, money etc. The season of materialism has changed and if we do not migrate into the new season we are going to be in trouble, both, nationally and personally, and to be honest with you I believe we are already in trouble nationally, as the news before us is dismal and destructive daily.

Please read my posting on Repent and Pray!! Will it be enough, No Way!! where I discuss the preparation phase. You must prepare yourself for what is coming. I'm not a fortune teller nor can I predict the future, however, I can watch trends and discern what direction the trend is tracking and quite frankly we are fast tracking to complete destruction, economically, politically and spiritually based on the trends before us. We need to pray, love our families, and cut back on all the materialism and activities in our lives, we need to move back towards God. Please read the Bible to your children and allow them to build their faith and relationship with God, this will be the best preparation you can offer your family, it's the best disaster plan within the world today.. Welcome to the Revelations!!

Grace to You
The Watcher!!


Anonymous said...

You are an idiot dude. You talk about turning back towards God yet all you do is preach hate, racism, and white power. You hate the president because he is black, you hate the muslims because their united, you hate the homosexual because their different then you turn around and post something about turning towards God. You are an idiot.

Kimberly, Alabama said...

You are stirring spirits and removing the blindness, and for that may God richly bless your continued work


The message is exactly what it is, THE MESSAGE!!

People need to open the Bible, read and study the context of the message.

Has anyone argued, I mean truly argued over Hitler, or Napolean, or Alexander the Great in the past 50 years, has anyone argued, again truly argued over Adam and Eve, Moses, Aaron, or Joshua over the past 500-1000 years, nope, not one historical global arguement has occured about these individuals. I'm not naive, there are individual or topic discussions about the above each and everyday somewhere in the world, yet the one true gut wretching hair twisting eyebrow raising name for the past two thousand years is still JESUS CHRIST, wow, this name will raise the hair on the back of mens neck every second of the day somewhere in the world. There is a hatred for this name that is well beyond that of any other name, why?

Doesn't that in and of itself deserve some discussion, thought, or research? I think it warrents it and to do it you must open the Bible.

Please before you cast your ignorance onto the watcher you must argue your points from my referance which is the Bible, and if you have not opened it, studied it, or even dusted it off, then your vile hatred words of attack are simply like dust in the Sahara Desert to me, meaning less.

Jesus Christ is the Messiah, not Mr. Obama!!

When Jesus Christ raises your spirit and not the hair on the back of your neck please come back and join in the discussion.

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