Could I havw figured out the plan, the magical plan of the current administration. I believe based on several days of studying and examining news coverage the mistery of what's missing is "the truth" and that folks is BLACK GOLD.
The first truth is:
The world evolving around OPEC is crumbling due to the deminish demand for oil, as the oil demand deminishes the price of each and every barrel begins to decrease, of course creating the risk of drilling and production costing more to remove oil then can be made selling each barrel. The price of each barrel today is nominal, hovering around 45.00 a barrel on a daily average, thus, costing OPEC money in producing the product. The fact is OPEC and Venezula cannot continue producing it within this price point, actually WILL NOT CONTINUE to produce it within this price point, they want and will demand the price per barrel to rise, upwards of 80.00-120.00 per barrel, a very profitable price point.
The second truth is:
The current administration has sold it's soul to the left wing environmentalists, and the promises made to them must be fulfilled and that is "Going Green", it must be a top priority for the administration. If the current oil prices do not begin to increase the Obama adminstration will have their hands tied in attempting to sell america on "Going Green" which I like to refer to as the "Green Lie". The fact is the cheaper the oil prices, the less demand for oil, the less of a chance the administration can sell their lie on alternative fuels. I understand the need to an alternative fuel, and I'm not ANTI-GREEN per say, but let's just be honest about the whole concept, there is no real threat to the world's eco system, no real threat to the world's ozone layer, there is no real threat to the climate. I do believe in being environmentally responsible, as i believe in spirituality, however, when fanatacism sets in to both arenas the results are catastrophic, there needs to be balance, to which the LEFT WING ENVIRONMENTALISTS do not want, they want complete and total control to the point of totalitarian dictatorship.
News excerpt:
MEXICO CITY, April 21 (Reuters) - Mexican oil production fell 7.8 percent in the first quarter of 2009 to 2.667 million barrels per day as output from the aging Cantarell field slid further, state oil company Pemex on Tuesday. Mexico pumped 2.891 million bpd of crude in the first quarter of 2008, according to the energy ministry.
The above news excerpt (many others as well) begins to tell the truth to the "Black Gold" Amercia recieves from Mexico, see Mexico imports oil into America, it's our third largest importer of oil into this country, and if their pipelines run dry and or are seized by the Drug Cartels, america will have to increase importation from OPEC. What if Mexico comes under the umbrella of America in the form of the Amero, will the agenda be to close the Mexican pipelines because they are environmentally unsafe and an enemy to the eco system.
The reality is we do not fully know the entire story, however, we know several interesting bits of information.
1. Amero potentially on the horizon
2. Souverignty and Prosperity Agreement potentially on the horizon
3. Mexico is the third largest importer of oil into America
4. OPEC cannot continue pulling oil from the ground at 40.-50. dollars a barrel
5. Mexico's government and economy in complete dissarray
6. Obama needs to fulfill the "Going Green" promises, alternative energies
I believe over the next 6-18 months the "truth" will begin to reveal to us the totalilty of the administrations agenda in regards to Mexico, black gold, the amero and going green, let's see what time tells us..
God Bless America
The Watcher
Think your a conspirator, this adminstration is doing whatever it can do to assist mexico and make it stronger.
Thank God for someone who wants to tell the truth, this view is on the money, America and Mexico will merge.
The website is nothing but a right wing conspirators view point, great videos tho. I think all you right winger Jesus believers are wacko.
Wow, if what you claim is true we should really begin to prepare for the worst. I appreciate your honesty.
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