Saturday, November 14, 2009

Your Living in Revelation, Time is Constant (Part Three)

I've attempted to establish an ideology within the past two postings concerning the circular time continuum, placing revelations in the center of the continuum while events are being unveiled along the continuum. In this posting I would like to explore the events of world war three, a war I believe was started by radical Islam approximately 40 years ago, a few years before the 6th day war between Israel and the Arab world. Let's examine history:
  1. Israel consistently expressed a desire to negotiate with its neighbors. In an address to the UN General Assembly on October 10, 1960, Foreign Minister Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement. Nasser answered on October 15, saying that Israel was trying to deceive world opinion, and reiterating that his country would never recognize the Jewish State

  3. The Arabs were equally adamant in their refusal to negotiate a separate settlement for the refugees. As Nasser told the United Arab Republic National Assembly March 26, 1964:
    Israel and the imperialism around us, which confront us, are two separate things. There have been attempts to separate them, in order to break up the problems and present them in an imaginary light as if the problem of Israel is the problem of the refugees, by the solution of which the problem of Palestine will also be solved and no residue of the problem will remain. The danger of Israel lies in the very existence of Israel as it is in the present and in what she represents.

  5. In 1963, the Arab League decided to introduce a new weapon in its war against Israel — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The PLO formally came into being during a 1964 meeting of the first Palestinian Congress. Shortly thereafter, the group began to splinter into various factions. Ultimately, the largest faction, Fatah, would come to dominate the organization, and its leader, Yasser Arafat, would become the PLO chairman and most visible symbol. All the groups adhered to a set of principles laid out in the Palestine National Charter, which called for Israel's destruction.
    The PLO’s belligerent rhetoric was matched by deeds.
    Terrorist attacks by the group grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched. The targets were always civilians.

I believe WORLD WAR THREE was started by the Palestinians when they formed the PLO and immediately control was taken over by Fatah, which was under the leadership of Yasser Arafat. Now, I will openly admit that there have been many battles throughout the years, however, all of them are under the umbrella of WORLD WAR THREE in which the enemy is radical Islam.

Let's further examine history via a picture;
The map above shows the areas dominated by Islamic terrorism, you can clearly see the world has suffered under terrorism for a very long time. The main function of Islamic terrorism is to change GOVERNMENTAL and DIPLOMATIC agendas, which we have recently witnessed within the country of Spain, Canada, and America within the past 10 years.
I've attempted here to prove the threat of Islamic terrorism is real and has been threatening the world for the past 40+ years. The major point to this of course is how we are entwined into the book of revelations at this exact point in time, yet, also entwined into the book for the past 1990+ years. Let's look at the book of Ezekiel chapter 38:1-6
Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, (2) "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the Land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, (3) " and say, "Thus says the Lord God; "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. (4) " I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horseman, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords, (5) "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet;(6) "Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all it's troops-many people are with you.
In reviewing the above you will see that Russia will lead an army into Israel in an attempt to wipe it off the face of the worlds map, however, further reading shows God will supernaturally defend Israel and destroy this Russian led invading military army. The interesting part to the above verses is the map, look at the area of Russia, minimal terrorist attacks compared to the middle east region, once again proven the fact that Russia is in bed with Islam. If you look at the other countries involved in this invasion you will see Germany, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Ethiopia all of which aside form Germany are hotbeds for Islamic fanatical terrorists. There is another interesting part to the above verses which is "many people are with you" alluding to the possibility of this force picking up additional forces from many nations along the way, the bulk of the forces coming from the above countries, however, many others joining along the way.
Now, the interesting circular time continuum of revelations being unveiled. We just discussed the terrorist threat to the world and my belief of world war three beginning 40+ years ago culminating with a Russian led coalition attacking Israel. Let's examine some other verses in Ezekiel and see if the book of revelations is unveiled even further:
Ezekiel 38:19-21
"For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken: Surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel, (20) 'so that the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beast of the field, all creeping things that creep on the earth, shall shake at My presence. The mountains shall be thrown down, the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.' (21) " I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all My mountains, " says the Lord God. "Every man's sword will be against his brother. (22) " And I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire and brimstone.
Folks, this is a massive earthquake, a great destructive force that shakes the foundations of the earth, an earthquake which causes the forces of this mighty army to turn against itself and kill one another due to the confusion. Now, let's look at revelations being unveiled;
Revelations 6:12-13
I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. (13) And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops it's late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.
As the sixth seal is opened a great earthquake is felt across the world, causing massive destruction just as in the prophecy of Ezekiel 38:19-21 which causes the world to shake while an army attempting to invade Israel is destroyed. Folks, I contend this:
If Ezekiel prophesied about this 2500 years ago, and John was given the revelation 1990+ years ago then we have lived within revelations for the past 2000 years and as REVELATION IS UNVEILED so are the prophecies of the prophets. If revelations was revealed to Christ before He was born of a virgin, then revelations would actually have been the prelude to the new testament. Please follow this thought:
The book of Job comprises 42 chapters, yet what truly happens to set off Job's challenges is revealed in chapters 1 and 2, so why did Job go through all of those challenges if he knew what happened before it happened. He did not know, chapters 1 and 2 are actually revealed to Job after all his challenges, yet he wrote them as if they occurred first, they did not, the REVELATION WAS UNVEILED TO HIM after he went through it but he wrote it first. I believe as revelations declared Jesus was given the REVELATION of revelation first, but had man write about it after He died, because man was already into the unveiling.
The world is involved in World War three right now, which is not Armageddon as some have theorized. As the coalitions in the middle east continue to form and grow militarily stronger the SEALS of revelations are being unveiled by Christ Himself which culminates into two MAJOR EVENTS. The shaken of the persecutors (Muslim nations) of Israel, and the shaken of the (believer) church, the separation of the wheat from the tares. WELCOME TO THE REVELATION!!
Please visit posts:
If your new to the blog you will need to review the above three in order to follow my ideology on the subject of Revelation.
God Bless the Repenter!!
The Watcher!!

8 comments: said...

I believe that your are correct that the prophecies regarding Gog and Magog indicate Russia will attack Israel, but there are other major wars that will occur before this. The attack against Israel that will be part of the prophesied great tribulation will come from the European beast power, and God will allow Israel to be conquered as a punishment for their sins. After this will be a conflict between the armies of the east, including Russia, and Europe which will destroy Europe. All this happens before the second coming of Christ.

But after Christ returns, Israel will be forgiven and regathered in their land, and it is at this time, when Israel is living safely and peacefully under God's protection, that Russia and the forces of Asia will attack Israel and they will be supernaturally defeated by God.

Also, as I show in my book, not all of Israel is the state of Israel or the Jews. The Jews are only part of Israel, the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin mostly. The other tribes are other nations, including the United States. So when Israel goes into the tribulation, which is called "the time of Jacob's trouble," that includes the United States.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comments, however, I believe your ideology of Russia's invasion of Israel is a little mis-directed. The regathering of Israel has already happened, May 1948 to be correct. The Israeli people will never be scattered throughout the world again, the regathering began in 1917 when the Holy Spirit was calling Israeli's back to their land, unfortunately Hitler arose as a lion and went forth during world war two to hunt them down. The land was re-established as Ezekiel claimed it would be in 1948 by a United Nations General Assembly vote and will NEVER BE SCATTERED AGAIN. I appreciate the opportunity to dialogue. Grace To You. The watcher.... said...

Only the Jews have been regathered, not Israel. The Jews are the tribes of Judah and Benjamin primarily, with much of Levi and a small portion of the other tribes. But the bulk of the tribes of Reuben, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, and most importantly, Ephraim and Manasseh, were never Jews and have never been regathered. said...

You say that Israel was regathered back to Palestine in 1948. Clearly, the tribe of Judah, from which we get the name "Jew," was regathered at that time. But there were twelve tribes of Israel, not one or two. When was the tribe of Reuben regathered? The tribe of Dan? The tribes of Joseph? These people are not regathered in Palestine even today.

Each of these tribes had a separate destiny, as recorded in Genesis chapter 49. Notice that this chapter starts out saying that this is about what will happen to each tribe "in the last days." It doesn't sound like they are gathered together and merged so you cannot tell one tribe from another.

Tina S said...

I truly have begun to agree with your information. I'm a Christian who has taken for granted my faith. I have believed in Jesus for a very long time however I only knew him from somebody else's point of view, such as pastors, priests friends, family etc. I was invited to visit your website by a family member and I admit I do not understand all of the issues you write about but I do understand very clearly that God is in control and I must develop a personal relationship with him. I have started to read the bible more and more each day. I realize no matter how good my life looks on the outside and no matter how much stuff I have I'm still a sinner and need a relationship with Jesus. Tina S.


The regathering of ALL of Israel began back in 1917, the culmination of statehood was in 1948. All tribes have been regathering to Israel since 1917 and continue today, especially from Russia, Ethiopia etc. If we review chapter 11 of revelations the two witnesses begin to align the tribes and discern through the Holy Spirit who belongs to each tribe. There is no possibility that 10-11 of the tribes are still outside the landmass of Israel. All of the tribes are identified now through the land of Israel. I will agree just as with the tribe of Judah there are pockets of each tribe still living throughout the world, however, each tribe is represented in today's Israel.

Anonymous said...

Yes my point has been proven, you are a homophobe and cannot except the fact that God is everyone and everyone is their own God and we cannot and shall not accept some book that was written by man and has been proven to be wrong. You right wing nuts are amazing, blame the black man, the gay man, the women who aborts yet your coffers are full with millions of old ladies money.


Coffers full of millions would truly be nice, however, I'm a simple blue collar individual who is attempting to create dialogue and discussion. I see by the blog my attempts are working and only pray the blog spreads across the world. I believe individuals such as yourself are searching for the truth and will only be set free when you find it. I hope you find sooner than later.